Monday, 15 July 2013

Power Shortage in India !!

Power Shortage seems to be a very small topic to write on but once you start writing, there are no limits to write about it.It can go up to continents & countries,causes & effects,sources & techniques & a lot more,each one of these categories have a huge world under it.
So,if we have to move around all those areas,why not to start from our home ?? Lets check out the condition of  Power Shortage in India.
So what is the condition of power in India ? See this-

I don't think i have to say much over this now. As you can see in those pics, the condition of power in India is Pathetic !
According to Government of India, India faced a shortage of 17,000 MW just in the summers of 2012 & the number is much huge for 2013.Economic Survey 2013 showed,"During the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12), nearly 55,000 MW of new generation capacity was created. Yet there continues to be a peak shortage of 
9 per cent," .
Yes, we have to admit that the population in our country is very large & so as the requirements but why have we been unable to make the arrangements to meet that demand yet ? 
I remember the power cuts which used to happen when i was a kid,we used to get happy while powers cuts in night because that used to make our hide & seek game much more interesting.And now i am old enough to decide to be happy or sad ! But still the situation is ... Not the same , even worst.
The question comes who is suffering  ? we- the common man ? or the small school going kids ? or that small businessman who can't even afford an emergency light ? or the whole country ?
Regular power cuts usually halt the work on the routine basis. The households can bear the cuts, but when power goes off frequently then things becomes frustrating.  The small-scale business owners suffers even more because they have to  spend money for the power backup. The reason they suffer is cost. Entrepreneurs operating from their homes prefer inverters, to keep running the domestic appliances, but inverters are not the solution because they do not provide backup for long hours. Moreover, the amount of power they generate is not enough to run the machines, which have motor of high watts.
So what can we say ? Entrepreneurs are suffering the most ? BIG NO... It's the economy which suffers at the end. 
Let's watch an informative video (click to watch).
This clearly shows how much are we lacking behind & what all we are losing from it. The point here is how can we reach the demand ? What can be done to stop all this and lead towards a better economy.
Well i would talk about the most easiest way to do that. That is by stopping this- 
Stealing electricity - Yes, the problem of electricity shortage can be partly solved by preventing this. You won't be shocked i know, but India is one of the top countries where this practice is followed the most. If you are not aware, many of the colonies get electricity by stealing. If this can be prevented,some problem would be solved and we would be able to be at least in the state of taking further actions.
This may not be the best way but this is the easiest way which can give rise to best results.

OMG !! How could i be so careless...I knew it would happen but didn't charge my laptop. Well...It's again a power cut... we would meet again to discuss some more about this shortage problem in the world. Hope we all can think something good & try to change the future :)

-Vishnu Channon , MBA Student - FIIB,Delhi

Monday, 1 July 2013

Power Shortage

Here comes the time when I am actually writing my own 1st blog post and like every such individual I am too feeling conscious and skeptic about every statement that I want to add in this article.
Well, without much ado I would start….
It was raining outside I was sitting in the balcony attached to my room & there was no power at that time and while enjoying the weather  some thoughts crossed my mind.
We said we “need” more power… How real is it?
Why can’t we shorten the work hours to reduce the power usage?
Is the whole world efficiently using the “power” or most of it goes into waste?
If we take an example of India,  the per capita average annual domestic electricity consumption in India in 2009 was 96 kWh in rural areas and 288 kWh in urban areas for those with access to electricity, in contrast to the worldwide per capita annual average of 2600 kWh and 6200 kWh in the European union. India currently suffers from a major shortage of electricity generation capacity, even though it is the world's fourth largest energy consumer after United States, China and Russia. So the demand of energy is more than its supply.
And Where would this energy come from ? Obviously there is a huge amount of energy generation as well but its not only the suppliers who are going to provide the same but the government on the other hand has a significant role in managing the distribution & not just working on generation part.
Also the fact that Electricity problems are not just confined to the developing countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, India but it  has now become a worldwide problem where we all need to look at and do something about it.
News related to electricity issues like



News like above are the evidences to the fact that there has been a increase in issues related to “Power crises” & very less effort has been put into resolve them.
In recent years, there is substantial increase seen in the population & industrial growth therefore it has lead to rise in global demand of energy as well.
So In the 21st century, with more of the world's population living in metropolitan agglomerates requires electric power, without which it cannot function, electricity has become our new bread.
Thus We all together need to contribute our bit to make efficient use of energy and not to waste it when not in use. Also there is a major role of government to take initiatives and active part in managing these resources properly & making power available in all the sectors of the economy wisely.
regards sonal